AdviceNow has A Survival Guide to Sorting out Arrangements for your Children.
Also see Resolution's Parenting Through Separation.
Voices in the Middle provide a dedicated place for young people to find help and support when in the middle of divorce and separation.
See CAFCASS' website for useful advice on how to co-parent children after separation.
Gingerbread provides information to help single parents. They also run programmes to equip single parents with the skills and opportunities to gain employment.
Kids Come First provides workshops for parents going through a separation.
has lots of information on child-related topics. They specialise in giving children a voice in the Family Courts.
Click here to see a useful video about the rights of children in divorce.
Family separation is always a stressful experience for children and teens in the short term. But what drives the long term impact on them is the level of conflict they witness before, during and following parental separation.
It’s normal for it to take about 2 years for children and teens to adjust to a family separation. The higher the levels of conflict, however, the harder it is to adjust and the longer the ripple effects continue for poor outcomes (e.g. mental health).
High levels of conflict between parents are shown to have many poor outcomes for children. These include anxiety and depression, academic failure, substance abuse, conduct problems, criminality, peer problems and adversely affected brain development. Patterns of conflict can even be passed on to the next generation.
These outcomes stretch on into adulthood. Acrimonious parental conflict is a common childhood factor in adults who experience mental ill health, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, homelessness, criminality.
By contrast, actions designed to reduce the level of inter-parental conflict are associated with positive long-term outcomes. There are clear improvements in mental health, behaviour, school outcomes and long-term relationships.
These positive outcomes have benefits not just for the individuals but for the whole of society. They produce widespread cost savings, ranging from the education system to the health and social care system, the civil and criminal justice system and they also produce positive future employment outcomes.
App Close is a free app that helps parents communicate better.
Or for an more advanced app try the Our Family Wizard app that combines all schedules, files, contacts and communication in one app. This keeps everyone, including grandparents, family law professionals and the children, in the loop.
You may wish to read Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll’s book Putting Children First and Ashley Palmer’s Handover Book to ease communication.
